We move people to extend
their hand

Increase the chance of survival in case of a cardiac arrest. We facilitate quick responses by using smart technologies to mobilise citizen responders and AEDs.
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Alert system

Stan provides the highly important aid in the first few minutes by calling on volunteers with the right training and by having plenty of AEDs available in public places, so that help is around the corner for everyone! This way the chain of acute medical care is extended.

Our solutions

Features and funtionalities

Over the years Stan has made great progress on features and functionalities within the alert system. The added value of these functionalities has been proven by qualitative and quantitative research leading to detailed statistics, possibility for dispatchers to cancel an alert and many more.

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Integration with dispatch centers

The alert system is linked with the dispatch centers and is fully integrated in the CAD or triage system. In the event of a cardiac arrest, received by the dispatch center, citizen responders are automatically notified by the Stan App to go the victim or retrieve an AED first.


360˚ insight into the citizen responders

Dispatchers can receive feedback about the status of the citizen responders. A citizen responder can be geolocalised with the utmost accuracy available and their movements can be displayed on an interactive map. The operator is constantly updated on the quality of the current localisation.

Stan Connect


Our succesful cases

  • "Stan is a partner in the Connected Pulse program. Connected Pulse aims to develop a scalable solution that will increase bystander CPR, the use of publicly-available AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) and incorporate new technologies and latest science – driven programs to strengthen the chain of survival from the moment of a cardiac arrest to the time the victim reaches the hospital."


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Knowledge base

Sharing knowledge is an important part of our ambition.
We do this through our blogs, articles and research studies.